With the advent of the ZeroMika campaign, everyone in Morocco is looking for a good alternative to plastic bags. At Creative Interactions, we tend to prefer the tried-and-true Envirosax, which hold up to 20 kg of our favorite stuff (fruit, vegetables, books, trinkets, etc.).

These bags, which retail at 110 Dhs in our shop, last for years. The investment is worthwhile. Basically, these bags wind up paying for themselves. They are both fashionable and functionable, an ideal combination.
We roll them up when they’re empty; because they are lightweight, we can carry several and take them out whenever we make a new purchase. This convenience helps us to avoid the purchase of extra reusable bags when at the supermarket. After all, we don’t need so large collection of bags that we never reuse all of them!

Interested in getting one of these Envirosax bags? Email us at [email protected] or drop by our office in Gueliz to check our selection of fashionable eco-friendly bags.
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